Every day one NFT is generated by AI on the basis of the news from 6 macro regions and digital world

Color code: #4e3f4d
Main color: Purple Taupe
AI Service: Midjourney
Main color: Purple Taupe
AI Service: Midjourney
Secret hash
93ff75b5d5abd062 NFT created by AI from news, trends and human input
the winner's ETH were put in Treasury
- winning BID 0.203 ETH
- auction ENDED 03 May, 2023
Latin America
High inflation and tumbling local currencies in Argentina and Turkey have led to a surge in ownership of digital currencies, with 23.5% of Argentines and 27.1% of Turks owning digital coins, according to research firm GWI. USDC and USDT have been particularly popular, alternative to scarce dollars.

AI pic #6
Singapore and India are hosting the Asean-India Maritime Exercise (Aime) from May 2 to 8, with over 1,800 personnel, nine ships, and six aircraft from Asean member states and India taking part. The exercise includes a shore phase at RSS Singapur and a sea phase in international waters Philippines.

AI pic #5
Curve Finance has deployed its crvUSD stablecoin on the Sepolia testnet to check verification on Etherscan ahead of its mainnet launch. The stablecoin will be pegged to the US dollar and overcollateralized by certain crypto assets, with a token design similar to MakerDAO's DAI.

AI pic #4
Australia is set to ban recreational vaping and introduce minimum quality standards, with sales restricted to pharmacies. Nicotine vapes already require a prescription in Australia, but the industry is poorly regulated and a black market is thriving.

AI pic #3
Denmark will donate military equipment and financial support worth $250 mln to Ukraine, according to the country's Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen. Denmark will also reduce its military presence in Iraq and instead focus on the Baltic countries, offering NATO a battalion to defend the region.

AI pic #2
North America
Geoffrey Hinton, a leading figure in artificial intelligence (AI), has resigned from Google and warned of the growing dangers from developments in the field. Hinton, who is widely seen as the godfather of AI, said that some of the dangers of AI chatbots were "quite scary".

AI pic #1
The BBC World Service has launched an emergency pop-up radio service for Sudan, which will be broadcast twice daily for three months on BBC News Arabic. The service will provide news and information, including eyewitness accounts and news on diplomatic efforts, and will help counter disinformation.

Trends of the day #78
Twitter topic:
Sui (IOU)
NFT collection:
New coin with highest volume:
WSB Coin
Phrase of the day #77
In a world where central banks are printing unlimited amounts of money, Bitcoin is a peaceful protest.

NFT 77